Echeveria Agavoides V. Corderoyi Succulent Plant


Pot size: 5"
Sale priceRs.970.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days




Flower Color

Non Fragrant





With Pots



Outdoor Shade,Outdoor Sun

Sunlight Requirement

Twice A Week

Water Requirement

Product Description

Echeveria agavoides is a stemless, star-shaped rosette of fat leaves up to 20 cm in diameter.Echeveria are easily grown succulents that can tolerate sun, shade, moist soils, dry soils, but look their best only when given adequate light levels and water, and ideally should be grown outdoors in full sun.

Wax Agave






Echeveria agavoides is a stemless, star-shaped rosette of fat leaves up to 20 cm in diameter. Very short stem 3-5cm tall and 5-3cm in diameter

Wax agave has thick and solid- leaves which are moderately keeled 3 cm wide near base, 5 mm thick, satiny translucent light apple-green that tend to assume red colour in summer .


Echeveria are easily grown succulents that can tolerate sun, shade, moist soils, dry soils, but look their best only when given adequate light levels and water, and ideally should be grown outdoors in full sun.

These are able to tolerate extended dry periods and survive drought without the need for watering, but they will grow stronger if they receive adequate moisture during their growing season, but never allowing the plant to remain waterlogged (root rot sensitive).

Landscape Use

It is an excellent plant for garden rockery settings and desert type landscape

Most succulents need to be watered twice a week during summers and only once in monsoon & winters. Varieties like Haworthias, Crassulas and Gasterias are well suited for low-light indoors and window-sills. If the leaves get too bulky, it is a sign of overwatering & if the leaves look shrivelled it is a sign of less watering.

As a general rule of thumb, all the ones with colourful leaves like Echeverias, Sedeveria and Graptopetalum like bright sunlight and semi shade in extreme summers. They cannot be kept indoors or in full shade. All succulents love morning sun.

You can fertilise your succulent once a month.

Watering tips : Make sure NOT to water on the plant itself. Water directly in the soil. You can use a cup or a glass to make sure the water does not spray on leaves. When watering, make sure water comes out of the drainage hole.

You can check our video on how to water succulents on :

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