Dragon's Blood Stonecrop
Caucasus and Iran
Partial to Full sun & well-drained sandy soil. Drought Tolerant. Once established, only occasional watering.
Sedum spurium coccineum is the most robust sedum for creeping spread and for floriferousness. With deep crimson blooms and bronze-green leaves it thrives and spreads in droughty rockery edges in full sun.
Dense clusters of showy crimson blooms smother the evergreen plants. Usually about three to four inches tall, the flower stems raise three or four inches above the leaves. The flowering can be so dense that the leaves are completely hidden. Brilliant red flowers of Sedum Dragon s Blood contrast nicely with the green succulent foliage tinged with wine red margins in summer. Charming star-shaped flowers adorn the low flower clusters. Foliage will turn red with cooler temperatures in fall. Quickly forms a dense mat for a superb ground cover .
Prefers full sun with average to poor well-drained soil. Can be divided every 2- 3 years in spring. Stems pull off easily and will root readily for transplanting. Winter damaged foliage can be cut back in early spring for a flush of new growth.
Landscape Use
Suitable for Container, Rock Garden, Ground Cover & Xeriscaping