How to Grow Jade Plants: A Guide on Jade Plant Care

If you are a plant lover and hold an enthusiastic approach toward growing indoor plants, then it is extremely important to choose the right plant. Among the various indoor plant options, the Jade plant is the most cosmopolitan option for every individual who holds experience in gardening or who is nurturing their interest in building green surroundings around them.

Jade plants are renowned for their lush green and glossy leaves. It is also known as Crassula Ovata, which is not only aesthetically pleasing but is also renowned as a symbol of good luck and prosperity in many cultures. But to nurture its proper growth, it is extremely important to care for its proper growth.

In this blog, we have taken the liberty to offer you a complete guide to provide you with all the essential tips and tricks for successfully growing and taking good care of your Jade Plant.

Ideal Growing Conditions For a Jade Plant

Jade plants, a prominent member of the Crassulaceae family, are a range of plants that are adaptive to arid climates. In their natural habitat, they hold the potential to grow up to the size of a tree, but when cultivated indoors, they remain compact and bushy.

Thus, it becomes exceptionally important to create a favorable environmental condition that helps in the growth of the Jade plant.


Jade plants thrive well in bright but indirect light. When it is placed near a south-facing window, it receives ample sunlight throughout the day. Additionally, it is important to note that, when cultivating indoors, Jade plants should never be placed under direct sunlight for an extended period, as it may lead to sunburn on their leaves.


In order to attain better growth, jade plants grow well in moderate temperatures that range between 18°C to 24°C. Thus, it is always beneficial to avoid placing these plants in drought areas or near any heat source so as to avoid any kind of stress on the plant.


For any plant, soil plays a very important role, so as for the Jade plant. For better growth of the plant, a proportionate mix of potting soil, perlite, and coarse sand is an ideal option, as it allows proper drainage and prevents water logging, which is the prime cause of root rot.


Jade plants belong to the category of drought-tolerant plants and, hence, prefer to maintain adequate gaps between waterings. Thus, to ensure their better growth, it is important to let the soil completely dry, which prevents the drawing of excess water from the pot. In addition, it is important to ensure no overwatering of the plant, as it may lead to root rot.


For a jade plant, one should always choose a pot whose size is proportional to the plant's size and has a proper drainage hole, which ensures the prevention of water accumulation at the bottom. There are various pots, such as terracotta pots, which help with better airflow and moisture regulation for the plant.

Propagation technique

Jade plants, with their minimal care, are easiest to propagate. There are two common effective propagation techniques.

Stem Cutting

In order to ensure the healthy propagation of the Jade plant, take their stem, which is at least 2-3 inches long from the parent plant. To prevent the plant from rotting, allow the callus to dry for a couple of days, and then plant it in a well-draining soil mix. In addition, ensure the soil is moist and the stem cutting is under indirect sunlight. With this, one can experience the growth of the plant within a week.

Leaf Cutting

When it comes to propagating a jade plant, one should ensure to choose the fresh leaf from the plant and let the callus dry until it turns hard. Then gently place the leaves in the moist soil in the pot with appropriate draining soil. In addition, it is important to mist the soil occasionally but avoid the situation of water logging, and within a week one can ensure a tiny germination of the new plant.

Pruning and Maintenance of the Plant

With regular pruning and better maintenance of the jade plant, one can ensure a better shape and appearance. In addition, it ensures healthy growth that offers an aesthetic appeal to indoor plants.

Removal of the dead leaves

It is important to regularly inspect and remove any dry or yellow leaves to prevent the shape and spread of diseases in order to improve the overall growth of the plant.

Pinch back growth

To promote bushier growth of the plant, it is important to pinch back the growing tips of the stem by using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears that help attain a fuller and greener look.

Trimming out overcrowded growth

If the jade plant looks excessively crowded, then it is important to trim out its excessive growth, which helps improve airflow and light penetration. Additionally, focus on the stems that are crossing or rubbing against each other.

Repotting of the plant

Jade plants are better known for their root-bound nature. Thus, one should only report the plant when it has outgrown its current container. So choose the larger pot with adequate drainage and fresh potting for nurturing its full growth.

Common Problem and Solution with the Jade Plant

Although being a low-maintenance and minimalist care plant, Jade plant may encounter a few common issues.


Jade plants appear yellowish and have dropping leaves, mushy stems, and a foul odor emanating from the soil. To overcome this problem, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering and adjust your watering schedule.


In the case of underwatering, one can witness the shriveled or wrinkled leaves and slow growth of the Jade plant. To eliminate this problem, it is important to ensure adequate soil moisture in the pot.

Pest Infestations

Jade plants are mostly affected by Mealybugs, Scale insects, and Spider mites, which might hinder the growth of the plant. One can treat this problem promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil, which ensures the proper coverage of foliage and soil.


When one grows a Jade Plant, it gives immense pleasure and satisfaction through its luscious appeal, aesthetic look, and inviting luck to the house. With their proper care, unbinding requirements, and nurturing techniques, one can enjoy the vibrant appeal of the jade plants for years to come.

So, if you are also looking forward to adding Jade plants to your house, then explore the MyBageecha website and choose from the wide range of Jade plants that will not only elevate your living space but will also ensure success and satisfaction.

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