Freesia deep pink (double)
Southern Africa
Freesia is a genus of about 15 species of perennial, bulbous plants grown for their showy, fragrant flowers but only a faint scent. The berry-like fruit vary in colour from white, orange, pink to red and are aromatic.
Freesia Purple Rain (Freesia x hybrida) has beautiful magenta pink blooms. Double Freesias make beautifully scented cut flowers & have an extra row of petals within each flower.
Freesia prefer sunny to partly sunny locations and look best when grown in masses. These plants do not tolerate very cold or hot conditions.
Prepare the bed by digging and loosening the soil to a depth of at least 8 inches. Plant the freesia bulbs, or corms, at least 2 inches deep and 2 to 4 inches apart.
Most Freesia prefer slightly acid, organic-rich soil with ample drainage. Once the foliage emerges, water the growing freesia plants often to keep the soil moist. Freesias need an abundance of moisture during the entire growing season, but you should allow the soil to dry out once the flowers fade.
The corms should be lifted and stored in areas where with freezing winters. They may also be lifted and stored in the summer in areas where temperatures are hot and really moist.
If corms are planted at intervals, successions of blooms will grace the garden for cutting. Expect flowers to appear about 10 to 12 weeks after planting.
Landscape Use
Borne atop a grassy, sword-shaped foliage, this flowering beauty is perfect for beds and borders where it will provide striking colour & contrast.