Rick Rack Cactus Cactus Plant


Pot size: 5"
Sale priceRs.370.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days

Pink & White

Flower Color

Non Fragrant


Winter & Spring

Flowering Season




With Pots





Outdoor Shade,Outdoor Sun

Sunlight Requirement

Twice A Week

Water Requirement

Low Maintenance,Outdoor


Product Description

This orchid cactus relative is one of the easiest plants to grow in hanging baskets.Like many shade loving cactus, the ric-rac prefers smaller baskets with a very porous soil

Cryptocereus Anthonyanus






This orchid cactus relative is one of the easiest Cactus to grow in hanging baskets This plant has characteristic stems which are are serrated and lobed, like a fish bone and have a thick, leathery texture that perfectly suits their dark green color.

It is grown as an ornamental because of its beautiful nocturnal flowers and unusual stems. If it gets enough light, ric rac cactus will reward you with stunning pink and white orchid-like flowers.


Like many shade loving cactus, the ric-rac prefers smaller baskets with a very porous soil. As the plant grows and gets rootbound the plant can be repotted to a bigger basket. Cryptocereus will grow better in bright shade and can even handle a little bit of direct sun as long as it is not too hot. In nature ric-racs grow as Epiphytes (like orchids) forming dense clusters cascading down from the branches of trees. Like many orchids they can handle quite a bit of water, as long as the drainage is very good. For basket culture, it is better to allow the soil to dry out a little bit between waterings. During the winter, the soil should be kept a little dryer and fertilizer should be kept to a minimum.

Landscape Uses

It is an excellent plant for garden rockery settings, desert type landscapes, patios and botanical gardens

The easiest to keep alive - Cactus thrive on neglect! Coming from desert climates cactus love sun! However beware of the Indian afternoon sun! Keeping them in extreme heat, especially behind a glass which magnifies the heat can cause the cactus to burn. If you notice the cactus turning brown or yellow on the side facing the sun, try giving it a cooler place to thrive in!

For watering cacti, the golden rule is to make sure the soil is completely dry before watering! This will stop the roots from rotting. It is advised to always use a pot with a drainage hole so that excess water can get drained out. If kept in a sunny area, you will need to water it once every week. If it is in a semi shaded or filtered light area, you might need to water it once in 2 weeks.

Cacti like soil that is well aerated and fast draining. You can fertilise the cactus in the summer months when it is in its growing season. During the winters it is best to cut back on any fertiliser and let the plant rest.

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