Curcuma 'aromatica' (Bulbs)

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Pack: 4
Sale priceRs.290.00 Regular priceRs.335.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days




Water Requirement


Flower Color

Non Fragrant



Flowering Season




With Pots



Outdoor Shade,Outdoor Sun

Sunlight Requirement

Balcony,Low Maintenance


Product Description

Panama Purple has wonderful pleated leaves from 3-4 feet tall with a pretty red midrib stripe. It blooms in the spring among the foliage and has a very erect stature allowing the foliage and blooms to stand out.

Kasturi manjal






Curcuma 'aromatica'  or Wild Turmeric is an aromatic and pretty ginger with stout underground rhizomes. The inflorescence appears in early spring from the base of the rhizome. The peduncle length is about 20–25 cm. Leaves appear after the emergence of the inflorescence. Fully grown, the plants reach a height of about 3 ft. Leaves are broad and very decorative.

It grows quickly and vigorously during the summer monsoon months. This is a robust ginger with stout underground rhizomes. Foliage dies down in late autumn and the rhizomes remain dormant in winter.

Wild turmeric is recognized as a medical herb with strong antibiotic properties. It is believed to play a role in preventing and curing cancer in chinese medicine.


Curcuma Rhizomes prefer medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. For indoor planting make sure your container should contain drainage holes. Some pebbles or little rocks in the bottom of the container can help and improve the drainage. Keep the soil moist but do not overwater. Use humus rich compost with equal quantity of horticultural sand mixed to make the compost well drained and light. Slow release fertilizers can be used.

The best place would be to plant and store the Curcuma plant in a partial shaded area and not too much exposure to direct sunlight, as the Curcuma foliage does not like too much strong sunlight.

Landscape Use

Looks superb grown in groups within the flower bed and border, or equally as effective planted and grown on the patio in pots or containers

Properly preparing the soil for bulb planting is essential! Good soil drainage is essential for planting bulbs. If your soil has a lot of clay content, consider adding a bit of coco peat. Consider your sunlight requirements based not he type of bulb you have chosen to go with. Some plants might be happy in a semi shade environment under a tree whereas someone might require full sunlight.

The general rule of thumb for planting spring bulbs is to plant two to three times as deep as the bulbs is tall. This means most large bulbs like tulips or daffodils will be planted about 8 inches deep while smaller bulbs will be planted 3-4 inches deep. Planting depth is measured from the bottom of the bulb.

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