Cordyline Terminalis Plant


Sale priceRs.495.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days






Water Requirement

Non Fragrant







With Pots

Indoor Filtered Light,Outdoor Shade

Sunlight Requirement

Product Description

The leaves on the Ti plant can vary in width and length depending on which variety it is, although most leaves grow to about 1ft long.Cordyline Terminalis houseplants prefer medium light, but survive in lower light situations.

Hawaiian Baby Ti

The leaves on the Ti plant can vary in width and length depending on which variety it is, although most leaves grow to about 1ft long. The leaves branch off from the main trunk in a new rosette of leaves, similar to how a dracaena plant does. The lower leaves also die off just like a dracaena, which is normal to encourage new growth.

Origin: Tropical South East Asia

Height: Grows slowly upto 3-4 ft

Light: Cordyline Terminalis houseplants prefer medium light, but survive in lower light situations. Lower light slows down the growth rate of Cordyline Terminalis plant and reduces the size of new leaves. Direct sun burns the leaves of plants

Water: Over- watering causes root-rot and is the main reason Cordyline Terminalis plant die. Water the well and don't water again until the top 50% of the soil is dry. In low light, it could take up to three weeks for the soil to dry out. Brown tips on the leaves of plants indicate over-watering or too much fluoride or salt in the water. Numerous yellow leaves means the plant needs more water.

Humidity: Basic household humidity is fine for Cordyline Terminalise plants..

Temperature: Growth may cease completely below 70 F, but will resume when warmer weather returns.

Soil: Cordyline plants grow well in a loose fast-draining soil. Any good potting mix that drains well.

Fertilizer: During growing, fertilizer with slow-release fertilizer or use a 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer at half-strength every month. Iron deficiency can result in yellowing leaves between the veins treat with an iron drench.

Pests: Cordyline plants are susceptible to thrips and mealybugs.

Pruning: If the canes of a plant become long and bare at the bottom, cut the cane back to where you would like to encourage new growth. Several new stems eventually emerge below the cut and the plant looks even more interesting.

Eliminates: Their large, dark leaves suck up ammonia, formaldehyde, toluene and xylene

Caution: Cordyline plants are not considered poisonous to humans, but are extremely poisonous to dogs and cats with a #2 toxicity level.

Foliage plants in general need access to bright indirect sunlight. Avoid keeping them in direct sunlight as it can cause leaves to burn due to extreme sunlight in the afternoon.

Make sure watering is done once the soil goes dry. Although the soil can remain moist, but it should not turn soggy/wet. Having drainage hole in the pots goes a long way in ensuring there is no water stagnating on top of the soil. You can spray the plant occasionally.

Fertilise the plant once a month in summers however Don't feed any fertiliser in winters. Giving fertiliser to the plant ensures nutrients going in which keeps it healthy. Keep an eye on the leaves of the plant to know any symptoms for watering or sunlight.

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