Musk Melon Indam MH38 Vegetable Seeds


Pkg Wt: 5 Gms
Sale priceRs.60.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days


Sowing Season



Product Description

Muskmelon , also known as Cantaloupe, is a sweet, flavorful fruit that's known for its vibrant flesh and culinary versatility. It's a is a tender, warm-weather plant with a tan-green rind.


 Muskmelon , also known as Cantaloupe,  is a sweet, flavorful fruit that's known for its vibrant flesh and culinary versatility. It's a is a tender, warm-weather plant with a tan-green rind of Cucurbitaceae family. Typically, the rind is covered in a spiderweb-like pattern, though some varieties may also be striped. Inside, the flesh is bright orange and sweet. Their growing requirements are similar to that of other popular melons, such as watermelons and honeydew melons


Indam MH 38 is a vigorous, strong  vines. They have hairy trailing stems with clasping tendrils and bear round to lobed leaves. The yellow unisexual flowers produce large fruits, which give off a sweet odour when ripe.

Fruit is medium size, round & closely netted, slightly ribbed with orange skin. Flesh is  thick, deep orange  & sweet with good aroma. The fruit weight-1.8 to 2.0 kg. Sugar content  TSS -12 ⁰ Brix.

The plant has moderate tolerance to downy and  powdery mildew diseases


Harvest starts from 70-80 days from sowing.


Well drained red loamy soil. Natural sunlight. Water whenever surface soil is dry. Suitable under protective condition.

Planting & Growing Instructions

Sow the seeds 2 cm deep. Regularly apply nutrients and plant protection

Height after growth

2-3 Feet

Planting Season

November to February


Used as seeds only and not for consumption.Seeds to be sown before expiry date

Make sure your seedling tray or pot (whichever you choose) has a drainage hole in it. If you choose a pot, a 5€ pot should be fine. You can either use well drained soil or make a combination of 1 part each of cocopeat, vermiculite and perlite.

While sowing seeds make sure the soil is damp and not wet. Water the seeds as the soil starts to dry. It should always be moist, but never wet or muddy. Do not water the seeds if the soil is already moist to the touch, as overwatering your plant can be just as harmful as underwatering.

Keep the seedling tray in bright filtered light to begin with. Slowly introduce the plant to morning sun and bring it back in before the afternoon sun sets in. In a weeks time you can put it in direct sunlight.

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