Bougainvillea are easy to grow, maintain and flower! These plants are meant for outdoors/balcony getting lot of sunlight. Water only once the soil is dry. While watering make sure enough water is given that it starts to come out of the drainage hole. Bougainvilleas do particularly well in clay/terracotta pots.
For Bougainvillea pruning time, watering & manuring & abundance of sun light are the most important factors for great blooming. Normally hard pruning should be done between 15th October to 1st week November. This does not applies for newly planted bougainvilleas. Compost should be applied from 1kg to 1.5 kg depending on the size of pot & light watering to medium watering should be done daily if the pots are in full sun or if more then four hours of sun light. NPK should be mixed in water & sprayed atleast twice a month. Khurpi should be done once in fortnight. In ground the watering pattern would be once in three days . This is for winters.