Euphorbia Knuthii Cactus Plant


Pot size: 5"
Sale priceRs.410.00

Delivery time: 3-4 working days




Flower Color

Non Fragrant



Flowering Season






With Pots

Outdoor Shade,Outdoor Sun

Sunlight Requirement

Twice A Week

Water Requirement

Low Maintenance,Outdoor


Product Description

Euphorbia knuthii is an easy ornamental plant to grow, and is a particular favorite of caudiciform plant enthusiasts.

Striped Green Spurge

Description :  Euphorbia knuthii is a dwarf spiny succulent shrublet with a tuberous main root, which continues into a serpentine caudex, freely branched from the top. The caudex grows upto 5 inches in diameter. It is sometimes accompanied by a number of underground rhizomes. Branches can get upto 1 metre long. It is closely allied to Euphorbia squarrosa, and Euphorbia Schinzii.

Knuthii blooms in mid to late summer and the seed capsules ripe about one month later. The flowers are green, reduced in size and aggregated into a cluster called cyathia. Spine shields are obovate, decurrent to 1 cm; spines 2-9 mm long, needle-like; prickles minute or absent. Leaves are 8-15 x 3.5 mm, lanceolate, falling off.

Origin:  South Africa & Swaziland

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Height: 1 metre

Light: Euphorbia prefers full sun in well drained soil and tolerates dry conditions as well as coastal exposure.. This plant will grow well on east / west and south facing windows. Euphorbia can get leggy and the higher the light, the better the plant growth and flowering habit.

Water: This plant can thrive on neglect. It can tolerate dry soil pretty well. Overall it has lower to medium watering requirements. Don t let the soil be soggy, as your plant will most likely rot. The plant prefer a bit more frequent watering than typical succulent plant. Also, avoid getting water on the leaves and stems because they can rot if they get too wet.

Humidity: Euphorbia is very tolerant of dry environments and is not needy in any way. It s pretty much indifferent to the humidity level as you can just as well grow it next to higher humidity plant.

Temperature: Growth may cease completely below 70 F, but will resume when warmer weather returns.

Soil: Likes poor, sandy soil that drains well

Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks a balanced liquid fertilizer and in winters at half-strength every month. .

Caution: Euphorbia sap is poisonous and can be a skin irritant so be careful when trimming or reporting the plant. If you are making cuttings you can use cold water to stop the oosing of the sap from both the plant and the cutting.

The easiest to keep alive - Cactus thrive on neglect! Coming from desert climates cactus love sun! However beware of the Indian afternoon sun! Keeping them in extreme heat, especially behind a glass which magnifies the heat can cause the cactus to burn. If you notice the cactus turning brown or yellow on the side facing the sun, try giving it a cooler place to thrive in!

For watering cacti, the golden rule is to make sure the soil is completely dry before watering! This will stop the roots from rotting. It is advised to always use a pot with a drainage hole so that excess water can get drained out. If kept in a sunny area, you will need to water it once every week. If it is in a semi shaded or filtered light area, you might need to water it once in 2 weeks.

Cacti like soil that is well aerated and fast draining. You can fertilise the cactus in the summer months when it is in its growing season. During the winters it is best to cut back on any fertiliser and let the plant rest.

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