Succulent care tips during Monsoon!
Succulents are recognised as drought-tolerant plants. By their nature, succulents store water in both their leaves & stems, which makes succulents have plump/fleshy leaves. Succulent lovers although find it easy to keep them healthy in the summers or winters, however monsoons are a tough challenge. Since succulents cannot survive in extremely heavy rain, care for them should be given most during the monsoon season.
Although they are considered to be low maintenance, succulents require extra care during the monsoon season. As the fear of the succulents being attacked by fungi or having their roots rot during the rainy season can prevent them from growing properly. If you have some beautiful succulents with you already or are planning to buy the succulents during monsoons, keep in mind this advice to look after them, and your succulents will thrive well in these conditions.
1) Infrequent watering during the monsoon:
Being desert plants, succulents don't need water to thrive, and too much water will kill them. Check the soil's moisture level during the monsoon; if it appears to be wet, do not add more water. Check the soil frequently to see if it is dry or moist during the rainy season. Easiest way is to poke your finger and check the first 2-3 inches of the top soil. If dry only then water.
2) Proper drainage holes

Image source: The Gardening Cook
Make sure that the succulents' pots include drainage holes so that they can be used to drain out the excess water. The succulents should have their water drained from the pots otherwise their roots will rot. If there are no holes in the pot, use plenty of gravel or clay aggregates at the bottom to help it.
4) Soak succulents in the sun.
Succulents prefer a good amount of sun, but they spend the most of the monsoon season without sunlight. As a result, a lot of the colorful succulents tend to go green. This is nothing to worry about and completely natural. However try and place your plants in an area where it gets access to morning sunlight. This will ensure plant remains healthy.
3) Place them in shady areas and cut off the dead leaves.
Bring the succulents indoors if it's going to rain hard so that the water won't stagnate on them. If you don't have space or a window ledge try to move them into a shaded area. Remove the dead leaves from them as well as any extra water that may have accumulated on them. During the rainy season, it is important to keep the hygiene levels good for the plant so that there are no bug infestations due to dead leaves.
5) Remove the stagnant water
It's crucial to remove the excess water because if it stays in the pot, the succulents will quickly decay. As a result, it needs to have the stagnant water removed. Remove the pot's plate as well, and be sure to allow air to reach the succulents so that the additional water may evaporate.
Hope these tips come in use for your plants and you are able to keep them healthy and growing!