Castor Cake


Qty: 5 Kg
Sale priceRs.479.00

Delivery time: 5-6 working days



Product Description

Castor Cake is a natural nitrogen fertilizer .It is a simple manure, which acts progressively that encourages soil microbial activity.

Develi Khod


Castor Cake is a natural nitrogen fertilizer .It is a simple manure, which acts progressively that encourages soil microbial activity.

It  has insecticidal properties and naturally pest repellent. It is can be used in organic farming &  fits for any type of soil, with its high content of organic matter.

Castor Cake is also the fertilizer for turf and lawns. This fertilizer promotes root development and winter cold hardiness.

  • When it is used as a basic manure,Castor Cake is taken by spreading on the soil 10 to 15 days before planting.
  • When used as a fertilizer for maintenance, it is spread to the surface, slightly hidden if possible, and lightly watered if necessary.
Benefits of Castor Cake
  • Controls ph
  • Increase fertility
  • Increases humus
  • Increases residual effect
  • Increase growth of earthworm
  • Increases shininess of fruit.
  • Increase Nitrogen supply for Root
  • Soil aeration for better root development
  • Inhibit growth of termite & other pest.
  • Rich source of NPK and other micronutrients
  • Organic Fertilizer, choice of fertilizer for organic farming

To be stored in a dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Needless to say, it should never be stored unprotected outside for any length of time. Rain will wash away a lot of the beneficial compounds (nutrients etc), and the sun can dry out the material too much as well.

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Rangarajan S
Castor Cake 50kg

Fast service. Good logistics

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