Description :
An urban green solution if there ever was one, a water terrarium is a simple and confined little ecosystem that is very pretty to look at and brings some natural grace to your home decor! The colorful plants with the clay aggregates/pebbles/ coloured chips are a classic combination in themselves! Use your artistic skills to turn this DIY Kit into the terrarium you dreamt of! Make it a center of attraction in your home and watch your guests go green with envy. Living in urban flats is no longer an excuse. Go Green.
- Very Low maintenance. No need for regular watering.
- Pest and disease resistant.
- No dirt and messy kinds of stuff inside your home.
- Very limited space required.
- Suitable for kids also.
- Terrarium Glass Size: 5"
- One Foliage Plant - Aglaonema Siam Violet
- Clay Aggregates
- Activated Charcoal
- Colored marble Chips
- 5 ml G5 Foliar (Liquid Fertilizer)
Maintenance :
- Provide indirect sunlight
- Place 1/2 " layer of Activated Carbon at the bottom & top it up with 1/2 " Clay Aggregate.
- Next put plant & put more clay aggregate to cover full roots zone. Be careful so no damage happens to the roots.
- Place decorative chips/ pebbles/ on top of clay aggregates
- Fill up water only till clay aggregate level. Don't cover chips/pebbles with water.
- Water evaporates from the container over a period of time and it needs to be replenished accordingly.
- Use 1.25 ml G5 liquid fertilizer every 15 days when you replenish water.
Warning :
Don't clean the container with detergent, the presence of detergent in water will lead to the death of your house plants in water because it makes difficult for the plant to breath.