Stapelia paniculata subs. scitula
South africa
Stapelia paniculata subs. scitula is a miniature version of the larger Stapelias. Its small slender stems are no more than 3" in height. Throughout the year it is adorned with small burgundy flowers and densely covered with maroon or purple hairs.
In winter, if exposed in full sun, stems will turn a reddish color. The star shaped flowers are flat , very hairy, upto 1 inch in diameter, blooms in summers.
Stapelia is a very easy plant to grow and requires very few requirements.
In general they are drought-resistant succulents suited for rockeries, and the small-flowered species are suitable as container Cactus.
They are excellent subjects for a water-wise garden, Provided that they are not over-watered and are given a warm position.
They like a sunny position and will also grow in light, semishade in hot climates. The soil should have good drainage
Landscape Uses
Some large-flowered species make a good show when grown in masses in the garden.